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  • Lean

Paul Akers’ House Visit Fastcap Facility Tour, Key Takeaways

Paul is so busy that he has decided to work with a small handful of companies he believes are committed to Lean. He has selected to continue a relationship with Pankow and has welcomed our company for future visits. “I was inspired by the consistency of the culture and the people at FastCap. Everyone is using their brain all the time,” said Kim Lum.

“Paul admitted that 50% of 2 second improvements fail, but no improvement will happen if you don’t continually try,” said Lee Hopkinson.

Kim Lum, said, “It’s not about the job, it’s about the continuous improvement. Lean is applicable to any business. I challenge our Operations people to think about their jobsite as a factory floor. I am sure we will find many similarities. For example, FastCap has everything on wheels so it can be easily moved. This concept can be implemented on our jobs. During morning meetings, when FastCap identifies a bottleneck, they’ll send EVERYONE to that area to “unstick” it. This seems like a concept we could apply on jobsites as well.”

“I believe the commitment to being lean (finding waste, eliminating waste and continuously improve) is the key. Waste does not know what industry it is impacting. If we empower each person in the organization to be Lean in everything we do – just imagine what is possible!” said Dave Eichten.

“As long as people and process are involved in your life, there is waste! The value of LEAN to improve the quality of our lives is real and ripe for the taking!” Scott Anderson
